Covid-19 Updates
Collection and Drop Off
Vitesse Global is open and functioning as normally as possible during England's THIRD lockdown. We have measures in place to mitigate risk and, where possible, are avoiding close contact, in line with government regulations.
If you are unsure of the best way to interact with us, please call or email.
Delivery Times
Over recent weeks, we have had a small number of our online customers report that their items have taken slightly longer to arrive than we would hope.
All packaging and shipping times remain the same at Vitesse, however, it would appear that some of our courier's processes have slowed down slightly.
Currently, we are suggesting that customers allow 1 to 2 additional days for items to arrive.
We know that our customers rely upon our timely deliveries, so will do our best to mitigate this current issue. If you are unsure which delivery option to choose, please feel free to contact us.
Vitesse is Open!
After weeks of lockdown here in the UK, Vitesse is once again open and trading as normal - with a couple of little caveats:
1) Some parts are taking a little while longer to get to us, meaning that, in turn, our products can take a little longer to get to you. This only applies to a handful of products, with much of our range ready for shipping the day after order.
2) Appointments are needed for visits. If you plan to pop to see us at our HQ, please call ahead, to ensure that we can keep both you and our team as safe as possible.
If you would like to know more about any of our products, please call or email:
Tel: +44 (0)1455 611230
Email: sales@vitesse-ltd.com
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